2021 Property Re-Assessments

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As announced last fall, an interim market re-assessment is taking place in 2021. During an interim market re-assessment, the village assessor reviews and adjusts property assessments throughout the Village based on recent sales and market conditions. The purpose of the reassessment is to ensure property assessments in Union Grove are keeping pace with market changes and to avoid having to make more drastic adjustments in a future year. The 2021 assessment data can be found online at assessordata.org. To review historical assessment information, visit the Racine County Land Records Suite. The 2021 re-assessment timeline is as follows:

  • June 2, 2021 – Assessment notices were mailed out to all property owners whose assessment is changed compared to 2020. In a re-assessment year, most property owners should expect to receive a notice. If you do not receive a notice by June 15, contact Assessor Jim Henke at jhenke4737@gmail.com or (262) 498-7473. The assessment notice will provide the 2021 assessed value as well as information about meeting with the assessor and appealing your assessment, if necessary. An informational insert was also mailed with the assessment notices.
  • June 28 – July 9, 2021 – Open Book was held for property owners to discuss their assessments with the village assessor. Property owners are highly encouraged to attend Open Book if there are questions about their assessment – most questions and concerns are addressed at Open Book without needing to have an appeal hearing with the Board of Review. The assessment notices will contain information about making Open Book appointments with the assessor.
  • August 4, 2021 – Board of Review met to hear and decide appeals from property owners on their assessment. A written or oral notice of intent to file an objection must be made to the Village Clerk at least 48 hours before Board of Review. In addition, a written and signed form of objection to property assessment must be filed with the Village Clerk at or before Board of Review.

A common misconception about re-assessments is that an increase in one’s property assessment leads directly to an increase in property taxes. This is not necessarily true in a re-assessment year unless one’s assessment has increased higher in relation to other properties in the taxing jurisdiction. For example, if the average assessment in the Village increases 10%, the owner of a home with an assessment increase of 10% would not see an increase in their share of taxes. A re-assessment does not change the total amount of taxes that the Village levies (which is capped by State levy limits).

For questions, contact Assessor Jim Henke at jhenke4737@gmail.com or (262) 498-7473.

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