Design Concept Approved for Entertainment Stage

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At a special meeting on July 29, the Village Board approved a design concept for the Entertainment Stage project at School Yard Park! The concept was recommended by the Design & Bidding Subcommittee, which developed design criteria over the course of four meetings. The Committee recommended a shape and approximate dimensions for the structure, and wanted to ensure it would complement the existing concession stand building at the park. The Committee also preferred the structure to be relatively open in nature, maintaining sightlines of the park from the road.
As the next step in the process, a set of bid documents will be prepared and the Village will solicit bids from qualified contractors. Bids are likely to be presented to the Village Board for consideration in early fall. Meanwhile, the Rules & Governance Subcommittee and Fundraising & Events Subcommittee will be meeting to work out additional details for the stage. Thanks to all who continue to be involved with this project! For more information about the project, and to view more images of the design concept, visit the project webpage.
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