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  1. Sign-up dates are posted, and open sign-up begins on the first day of the month. After sign-up date there is a $10.00 late fee. There will be a final date posted, and after that final date no more sign-ups will be allowed. This policy is in place for the fact that a cut-off has to be set so that the recreation director can organize the program. Names can be taken down and put on a waiting list. If there are any openings left on teams, then you will be contacted.
  2. After the first week of organized games, there will be no refunds.
  3. We cannot honor requests to put children together on teams unless they are siblings. We make every effort, but we can’t promise that your child will be put on the same team as their friends.
  4. Our coaches are all volunteers; they need to be treated with the respect they deserve. Do not try and tell them how to do their job, but offer to help them instead.
  5. Please remember these programs are for the kids! This is supposed to be a safe and happy zone for them; please do not holler at your children while they are involved in a sports program. We have a no tolerance rule! We are here to teach and have fun!
  6. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Katie Svendsen, Recreation Director from the Racine Family YMCA, at 262-898-4558 or

Our mission is to offer a fun and safe way to learn the fundamentals of sports and sportsmanship. All children are allowed to participate on an equal level no matter what their abilities may be. Children are our greatest resource, and we must nurture and help them grow through recreational and educational programming.

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