U.S. Census Postcards Coming in March

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The U.S. Census Bureau will mail postcards to every household in the United States starting in March. The postcard will request each household to complete the survey by Census Day on April 1, 2020. The census can be completed online, by telephone or by mail. This is the first year the census will be available online. You can fill out your survey using any Internet-enabled device (cellphone, computer, tablet, etc.).
Why the Census is Important
It is important to participate in the 2020 Census because this is a way to make your voice matter! By filling out the Census survey you are letting the U.S. government know how many people are living in Union Grove. The government uses this figure to determine how much federal money to give each state and how many representatives can go to Congress. By making yourself count, you are helping improve your community by ensuring your community and state have the appropriate number of representatives and money to provide resources and services for you and your neighbors. It is free, confidential and safe.
To learn more about the 2020 Census and how to get involved locally, visit RacineCountyCounts.org.
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